Books I Love

Professional Books I Love:

My students absolutely love the structure of the Daily 5.  On the days that we have other things going on and don't get to all of our rotations, they are constantly asking if we are going to do them all.

After reading The Daily 5, I had to get the follow up.  I don't go anywhere in my room during our literacy block without my monitoring notebooks.  This book really helped me to keep my conferences organized.

This is a must read for anyone who works with Title I students.  It talks about the effects that poverty has on children's brains and how this effects them in the school environment.  But it doesn't stop there.  Jensen goes on to talk about what we can do to change it.

I just bought this done at the Early Literacy Conference.  I have started reading the first 2 chapters and already love it.  I am excited to read more of it to help me with my individual conferences with my students.